Ricciotti Ensemble – Magazine/Annual Report ’17

As part of the  re-branding of Ricciotti ensemble that I started in 2017, I proposed them to have an annual magazine instead of a regular financial report. The first number included interviews, featured the year’s tour experiences, and reported on financial outcomes and prospects. A new communication piece that keeps the numerous groupies, mecenas and members of the orchestra up to date, and a tool for the orchestra staff to reflect upon its yearly activities.

Magazine design (in collaboration with Cèline Wouters)
31 x 21.5 cm, 24 pages.
Cover paper: Brossulin XT 290 gr.
Pages: Olin Rough 100 gr.
Typefaces: Circular, Riccione
Print-run: 1,750 copies
Printed by: Drukkerij SSP/Cliteur, Amsterdam
Bound by: After Press Groep, Diemen